Nothing is lost!

Posted: September 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

When they were filled, He said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. (John 6:12)

Jesus is our Lord! He is also our Savior, the ONE who came to seek and to save that which was lost. And as such, we need to know that He never forgets about anything that concerns His creation.

It may seem like there are times when we have been forgotten, but it’s in those times we can be assured that nothing is lost!

Even when we seemingly “blow it” and all of life is turned completely upside down and inside out! The times when we look in the mirror, walk away, and for a moment or even a season, “forget who we are.” It‘s especially in those times we need to know that nothing is lost which concerns us, not even one fragment!

Jesus just finished feeding a whole bunch of people, and while everyone else was anxious for what was next on the “Jesus” agenda, He was only thinking about what was lost! Even down to the smallest “fragments” of the “leftovers” of the loaves and fishes. The same food, that just minutes before meant so much to the large crowd, was now no longer needed because they were all filled!

I thank God He never forgets the “fragments” that concern us! The times we think are lost forever are exactly what the following verse in Romans, the verse we all know and love, is all about!

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Only God can take what seems to be lost forever, whether it be a broken relationship with a family member, a once close friendship, a lost occupation, or urgent physical concern, and show us what His eternal purposes are…IN all of these things IN Christ! He is the only One who can create Life out of death and wholeness out of that which seems to be broken and forever lost!

And when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” (I Corinthians 11:24)

The story of the feeding of the five thousand is a wonderful story, but it really has nothing to do with feeding the natural man. Communion is a wonderful experience among believers IN Christ, but it’s not just about remembering to eat and drink!

Both of these, the story of the feeding of the five thousand, and what we know as the communion verse, are more about seeing an internal Christ than anything else! The One who lives IN us…is the same ONE who is currently willing and doing of His good pleasure. Christ, the very sustenance of Life itself!

This is where everything (good and bad) is open and laid bare before Him with whom we have to do…as we see Him as He is! (Hebrews 4:13)

And it’s here, in this “just as I am” place where we learn of His unconditional love, that no matter how bad it appears, nothing is lost!

And IN knowing Him (not just knowing about Him) internally, and eating of His flesh and drinking of His blood, we NOW know that He cares for everything which concerns us, those things that are exposed as well as the things hidden. And it‘s IN knowing when He saved us, He saved us completely and that nothing is lost, not one fragment of our seeming up and down lives!

Everything is always under His loving care and watchful eye.

He goes on to say, “I AM (is) the Bread that came down from heaven, the True Manna!”

What this means to us;

Our life IN Him IS meant to be taken IN, and just one day at a time. We no longer have to try and do anything FOR God in order to be fed by Him! He freely feeds everyone by Grace alone! And this food (and drink) He gives is eternal and meant to be eaten in daily portions!

Christ IS our life! And when He saved us He knew exactly what He was doing. It’s wonderful to know that IN His saving and keeping power, nothing is lost! We are saved in every sense of the word…past, present, and future!

It’s just as amazing when we discover that He never forgets about one thing that concerns us. It might at times seem like He has forgotten, but it’s precisely those times He is teaching us the one foundational truth!

The one truth we all need to know in order to continue “pressing in” to a deep, abiding, and real relationship with Him!

The truth being, that IN Him…nothing is lost!

  1. Cindi Estep says:

    Saved to the uttermost!!! Nothing lost! We are joined to the Lord and are ONE spirit! Lovely word Rich In Christ!!

  2. Great word, one that I needed so much today. Thanks Rich.

  3. Andre Rabe says:

    Love it Rich. Col 1:17 … in Him all things is held together

  4. Chris Welch says:

    The story of the feeding of the five thousand is a wonderful story, but it really has nothing to do with feeding the natural man. Communion is a wonderful experience among believers IN Christ, but it’s not just about remembering to eat and drink!

    Both of these, the story of the feeding of the five thousand, and what we know as the communion verse, are more about seeing an internal Christ than anything else! I particularly liked this.

    Blessings Rich

  5. Ruby Jean says:

    I really like and love it….So amazing and awesome stories…Thank you so much!

    Ruby Jean

  6. Rich says:

    Thanks brother!

  7. Ruth Coleman says:

    Hi Richard (I assume the Rich is for Richard 🙂 Your blog is truly amazing and edifying and I thank God for you, His vessel, as He speaks truth and life. And surely, it is His plan for you to go fulltime. But He Who as faithful will/probably has shown you His path for you. Thanks again. Ruth (South Africa)

    • novek7 says:

      Hi Ruth,

      Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. It’s pretty cool receiving your e-mail today, as tomorrow I am going out of town to see my family as well as a dear brother IN Christ I have known for nearly 30 years.

      It just so happens this wonderful brother has lined up some speaking engagements with some people who are disillusioned with what they are hearing in church today. So your word about being “full time” is coming to pass my friend.

      I am also in the process of putting together a new website, updating my blog, and using technology to further spread the word of our FREEDOM IN Christ! My future goals are to publish my written material into several 31 day Day-By-Day devotionals (in the style of Andrew Murray’s book “Waiting on God”) and becoming certified as a “Deeper Life” Life Coach! God is saying NOW is the time, “Today” is the day!

      The hurting members of the body of Christ need to know the truth of who they are IN Him! My heart is to see the people of God, who hunger and thirst for the REAL Jesus, filled to overflowing!

      If you are on Facebook I would love to be friends. And feel free to send others you know to my blog or Facebook page. Keep in touch!

      Thank you again, and God bless!


  8. Joan Reilly says:

    This ministers life to me in so many ways but one way that comes to mind is His faithfulness in the passing of my mother, God brought His work in her to glorious completion. Every detail of our broken relationship was always in his tender care even though for many years it was anything but apparent. Every question was answered, every bit of unfinished business was tended to. It seemed that God tied up all the lose ends in a ribbon of love around every aspect of our relationship. He saw to it that every fragment was gathered up and “nothing was lost”. Thank you, Lord Bless you, Rich

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